Economic Impacts Associated With Guided Angling
A study for the Skeena Angling Guide Association estimating the economic impact of guided angling in the lower Skeena region.

Costing Model of Labour Market Gap Closing Initiatives
We produced an econometric model for Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to estimate the program cost associated with narrowing the employment rate gap and occupational skills gap between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous working age populations over a 10-year program horizon. This model contributed to a final report delivered to ESDC, ultimately contributing to the Budget 2018 decision to increase funding for the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training program.

Survey of the Inuit Arts Economy
We had the tremendous privilege of meeting with Inuit artists across the Canadian arctic in the summer of 2016 during our study of the economic impacts of the Inuit arts economy in Canada. Our study is the first to provide insights into the arts economy in each Inuit homeland region of Canada. Collectively, Inuit art employs 4,230 artists adding $87.2 million dollars to GDP in Canada annually.